Now I know it may sound a bit crazy. In fact I would probably give my dad a heart attack if I told him. But hear me out. Refinancing your home in order to invest may not be such a bad idea. In fact...
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When I was a child I often heard my parents talking about bank interest. I even heard it mentioned at school! As odd as that sounds. Those were different times though. When high interest rates made...
I love value investing. It's akin to a treasure hunt, and can be extremely rewarding. But, its important to invest with purpose and to know what to look for when buying a stock. There are two...
Buy and hold seems to be the leading stock strategy and typically the standard response when asked whether or not you should sell your stock is to hold. But, its always bothered me. There are, some...
Lately I've been obsessed with value investing. My whole strategy revolves around buying companies trading below net current asset value. In other words the company has more current assets than...
The United States Markets are reaching record highs on a regular basis. It's become increasingly difficult for value investors to find bargains. This often leads investors to wonder if there are...